PLANNING – George Ivanoff

I’m easily distracted and I have a short attention span. Oh look over there…. a poodle in a pink tutu.

Because of this, I need to plan out my stories before I start writing. If I were to start writing without a plan, without knowing where the story is going, I’d probably just wander around, go off on tangents and never actually finish a coherent story.

I know there are writers out there who don’t plan. They come up with a story idea and a few characters… and start writing. They love exploring and seeing where the characters take them. I’ve tried this and it doesn’t work for me.

I will always plan out a story or book before I start the writing.

With a book, this means dividing it up into chapters and writing dot points for each one, listing the main things that need to happen to keep the story moving. With a short story, it will be a shorter list of dot points. But with both, the most important things are working out where the plot will begin and where it will end. It is so important for me to know where my story is going – the journey it will take the readers on.

Beast World PLAN


OTHER WORLDS 2: Beast WorldAre you a planner or do you just make things up as you go along?

Of course, my plans are never set in concrete. They often change while I’m writing. And that’s okay.

And then things will often change again when I’m re-writing. But that’s a whole other post. In fact, it’ll be the next post… so make sure to check it out.


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