Welcome! Glad you’ve found us.
Here you will find an interactive blog where you can chat with some of Australia’s very best writers and storytellers, hear what they have been up to and you can tell them about your stories. We have videos of some amazing writers reading from their latest books, writers and illustrators giving you in-depth tips and tricks for your writing and drawing, You can find out about competitions, read the work of other kids your age, there’s information about the after-school and holiday workshops we run. We have information for your parents about how they can use your Creative Kids voucher they receive from the NSW Government.
The Clubhouse awaits – just keep scrolling or click on the blobs above.
The Blog

From now until the end of the year, we’ll be using this space to feature some of our greatest Clubhouse hits from the last two years. Enjoy them, and while you’re at it, look back through some of the other archived entries that we have on offer.
(CLUBHOUSE TIME MACHINE: 24/7/2022) Dungeons & Interiority – Jack Heath
It’s only by taking risks—by rolling the dice and risking failure—that you improve your skills.
(CLUBHOUSE TIME MACHINE: 20/7/2022) The Dossier Strategy – Jack Heath
There are two ways to write a great character. Unfortunately, neither of them works.
(CLUBHOUSE TIME MACHINE: 18/7/2022) I’m sorry, Monsieur Bauby – Jack Heath
When you’re deciding how to schedule something, it’s a good idea to assume some things will go wrong.
(CLUBHOUSE TIME MACHINE: 13/7/2022) What’s missing? – Jack Heath
I'm about to break a rule. You can read as many articles and listen to as many podcasts and attend as many...
(CLUBHOUSE TIME MACHINE: 28/6/2022) How To Make Something Out Of Nothing – Emily Gale
Sometimes i look at a blank page and I see: POTENTIAL (the chance that something will develop and become...
(CLUBHOUSE TIME MACHINE: 5/6/2022) I write this sitting in the kitchen sink – Emily Gale
I didn't really write this sitting in the kitchen sink (however that is my kitchen sink, and my cat, Harry)...
Watch and Listen
Narelda Joy draws MOONBEAM
Jack Heath reads from Kid President Totally Rules!
Meet the Bluenoses! From WestWords favourite, Martin Chatterton.
Pamela Freeman reads from Dry to Dry: Seasons of Kakadu
Liz Anelli shows you how to paint a stormy sky!
Mitch Vane draws TAMARA DOODLE!
Elizabeth Stewart shows you how to draw a funny dinosaur!
James Foley shows you how to draw THOR!
Nat Amoore reads from The Right Way to Rock

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WestWords Mini Master Class

Think It Up - Write It Down

Creative Kids Program
WestWords is dedicated to celebrating and championing the stories of the people, places and cultures that comprise the heart of Western Sydney. We believe that there is nothing more powerful than being able to tell your story and for you to write the stories you want to tell. These skills are skills for life. WestWords assists through a comprehensive program of workshops, residencies, fellowships and support for writers. For more information: westwords.com.au