There’s a lot of writing advice out there. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. But it’s worth remembering, there’s a lot of things a writer doesn’t need…
Neat handwriting
The ability to predict the weather
A snazzy pen
A lot of money
Smelly breath
A photographic memory
A flash computer
A university degree in creative writing
To be very excellent at spelling
Bad fashion – no one needs bad fashion
The ability to type with more than two fingers
Fancy software
Cool hair
Snazzy shirts
Awesome dance moves
Long legs
Duck feet
Good teeth
A tonne of friends
A plan
A way with animals
To know how a story ends before you begin
When I made documentaries, I needed people to give me lots and lots of money. I needed cameras, lights, microphones and recording devices, and editing suites. I had to sell the idea for a story before I really even knew what the story would be. But with writing, I don’t need any of those things. I don’t need fancy equipment. I can just write. To be a writer, all you really need is to write. Write, write, and write some more. The more you write, the better you get.
Of course there are some things you need….
A willingness to try and put yourself in someone else’s shoes
A willingness to fail
A love of story
A library card
It’s kinda freeing isn’t it? To know that’s all you need….(If I’m being completely honest, good dance moves don’t go astray. Everything in life is better if you know how to shake your booty.)