(Clubhouse Time Machine 10/3/2021) How do you get to know your characters better? – Oliver Phommavanh

Hey WestWords kids!

I hope 2021 has been going alright for you, whether you’re at home or school. So, what have I been up to this year? I’m currently working on my next book, What About Thao. It’s about a kid named Thao, who moves from the city to a small country town, Megulla. I’m editing the story now, which means much more than just fixing spelling mistakes. I’m also spending time with the characters.

What do I mean?

Well, you see, sometimes I just like to hang out with my characters and see what they want to say to me. When I was writing Con-nerd and Super Con-nerd, I had fun being around Connor and his friends.

So how can you get to know your characters better?

Well, you can interview them. Sometimes I ask them questions and they answer back. No really, they do talk to me. If you are stuck with questions, imagine that your character is a new kid at school, or a new person who moves into the neighbourhood. What kind of questions would you ask them if you wanted to know them better?

You can also ask yourself. What would your character do in this scenario? For example, if you’re ordering something for lunch, what would your character eat? Or if you had a surprise spelling test? How would they handle the situation?

Another thing you can do is make a fake profile. You can have the basic details like eye colour, hair colour and all that. But then you can throw in things like…well likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It all depends on what story you want to write.

How do you get to know your characters better?

Let me know!


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