The following collection of work proudly represents the dedication and creativity of The Ponds High School Creative Writers Guild. This inaugural publication is a testament to the enthusiasm of these students as well as their mentors, sharing a passion for literature with each other and the school community. The stories and compositions within these pages capture the imagination and perspective of these young writers, sharing views of the world that are varied and complex. As they find the edge pieces, connect them together and form a mosaic of student voices, this anthology marks a significant achievement.
Benjamin Bennett and Lara Jane Hancock, Acting Head Teachers English, The Ponds High School
The Ponds is part of a growing region, out on the crackling edge of Sydney’s north-west edge, spreading and engulfing old milking sheds and chicken farms like lava. This is Western Sydney on fast-forward. This is the whole world looking for opportunities, finding them here, and getting on with it. Getting on with it – this is what the students in the Creative Writers Guild did.
It’s been a pleasure working with these young people. As they hold this collection in their hands, I hope they take a moment to enjoy the pride to which they are entitled.
James Roy, award-winning writer and facilitatorÂ
WestWords would also like to particularly thank the Cultural Fund of the Copyright Agency through the Writers in Schools project and the Australian Catholic University who support WestWords’ publishing program. Without their combined support we could not deliver beneficial programs such as this.